Our Best BiLLING services

Physician Billing Services

Laboratory Billing Services

Dental Billing Services

Hospital Billing Services

AR Recovery Services

Billing Company

Our billing company has the ambition to increase your revenue and cut down on expenses. Our intentions are to be more efficient and effective at billing than your own office so that your personnel focuses only on practicing medicine. We provide the best AR rates for our practices and make it our priority to provide you and your practice the highest average return per processed claim.

For BILLING Details

We Offer Best Medical Billing Services


During recent years, radiology-related technology is going through a lot of improvement and practitioners are now more into control and can provide better services but the necessary high-tech equipment and supplies involved have caused the cost of the service to rise. The private insurance companies and federal programs are looking to cut the costs they need to cover. Eventually causing problems for radiology practitioners.

Value-based models

The transition from fee according to service to bundled payment has become more complex due to various policies and practices with accountable care organizations and value-based models and pay-for-performance.  

Radiology is known to be the highest profit-generating department

In hospitals and other small facilities, the radiology department generates the highest profit as being responsible for only 37% of the profit on average. So it is important to get payments out of the insurers and other payers in a timely manner.

Benefits of Outsourcing Our Radiology Billing Services Company

We Analyze, evaluate, and correct errors

Claims denials often occur when errors are made in billing and coding. Payers do not take time to consider whether the error is insignificant or not. Even in some cases, a missing hyphen can cause rejection of claims. Payers even deny a number of claims when there are errors in submissions. Each claim evaluation and resubmission takes a lot of time and increases labor costs too. We do not take claims for granted and focus on each and every claim and submit error-less claims. If any claim still gets rejected, we take full responsibility, correct errors, and resubmit them.

Billing requires more staff time to handle

Some of the time, problems with claims arises and catch the attention of in-house staff. The problem states that the patients complain about being billed for charges that they weren’t expecting. This not just only require more staff time to handle but also patients feel their trust has been breached. On the other hand, payers also have requirements for claims. This means that claims need to be timely managed and need all the back and forth trying to get the claims submitted correctly still can result in missing a deadline.

The three most common reasons for claim denials narrated by radiology RCM experts are:

  • Eligibility Issues: stating the wrong service, noting the wrong insurer’s plan or plan number are a common examples of patient’s insurance eligibility issues.
  • Authorization Failure: authorization failure for claims reimbursements.
  • Documentation: Improper documentation stating medical necessity reimbursements.

The Solution to Your Problems

A common error is the Human error

A lot of claims that get rejected are because of small human errors. As per all the complexities involved in payer’s rules and regulation, annual changes in coding and billing makes it impossible for a busy facility like radiology to focus and stay on top of it and avoid errors. The best solution is to outsource “””” so that you can give more time and attention to your services without worrying about financial issues that come up because of medical billing.

Our software is up to date with the latest requirements

Our company the ‘’’’’’ covers all the phases of medical revenue cycle management. From pre-appointment to aging due accounts receivable we have you covered. We have departments of specialists that can handle every issue and claim effectively and as we provide billing services, we make sure we stay up-to-date on every medical and coding revision that come up. Also, the software that we use are modern and are updated to every medical coding updates.